The Carlton General derived it's name from the Carlton General Store in Carlton Washington.
The Carlton General is a swimming leach pattern.  With Mother Nature's help Leaches of the world (and I'm not referring to the Human type) come in "all" colors.  I have found Leaches that are pure gray in color, a variety of mottled colors, to the total black version. The Carlton General began it's growth in the mid 1970's and derived it's present configuration in the mid 1990's.

FOR LAKE FISHING the fly should be fished from 2 feet under the surface to 30 feet deep.  It should be fished day to day with different retrieves; from a dead slow to as fast as you can retrieve and everything in between, including a fall back method-retrieve about three to four feet, then let the line feed back out, then retrieve again.  The Carlton General silhouettes very well when fished on full moon nights. I prefer as long a tapered leader as you can handle-up to 20 foot leaders.  I have a personal preference of fluorocarbon leaders.

For RIVER FISHING I recommend using a sink tip type fly line with
a short leader 4 to 5 feet long.  I cast across and a little down stream, then letting the Carlton General sweep through or past the desired fish holding locations. You can also use a dead drift or a retrieving method through the desired
 areas.Go Fish

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8 E Raymond

Brewster, WA 98812